Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I know that it has been a couple of days sense my last post but had some irl stuff come up and I really have not been playing as much as I normally do. I have been able to get my toon to level 39 and also get my tailoring to the next level through the trainer in Theramore...he was fun to find. Went back to Desolace to finished the quest got the demon parts....the brains the wings and the blood. Did something really fun...enslaved ol'what his name Lord elite demon and used him for 5 minutes to kill maime and destroy the level 40/39 Captains...was really fun. Thinkiing about enslaving him and running him to Goldshire and then abandoning him...would lots of evil fun. Will see what happens...only about 80k left to mount and when that happens my short leggs get a break.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cool Pet Site

Found a new pet that I think would be just too cool for school to have. It can be found here. This site has a list of pets and whatcha need to do to get said pet. They also have a detailed explination on how to become a Pirate with the Bloodsail gang. COOL!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I have decided to share my Talents with everyone. Let me know what you think and what suggestions you may have. Thanks

Monday, July 16, 2007

BRK- BeastMaster

Okay...I have to add this one because my first Toon was a hunter so I must Add this link to my list the great BRK. Has a very thought provoking blog for BeastMaster hunters so it is a must read. So go to his site and learn how to be a hunter.


Ding! Made 36 this Saturday. Decided to head to STV and do the few quest at the start of the area and was able to get to 36 with those. Was heading back to Town when the Rebel Camp started to get jumped by horde so I decided a little PvP would be nice. after a few kills just got tired of it and left for the trainer. At SW got a new Warlock only quest and ofcourse headed back to Desolace to do that one...went Felhunter for the +shadow damage stuff. Have only started it...got the Felhunters soul and seeing that I am back in Desolace going to do the quest to get the demon parts. Also made 200+ on Tailoring and got the few Shadoweave patterns from the Shadoweave tailor in the Warlock training area. I think I am going to make them and wear them...but keep the stuff that I have and really do the research on if I even want to keep them.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Spent yesterday afternoon running quests in Desolace and low and behold....DING! Level 34! Wooohooo! Added my new talent point to Improved Corruption and love it. I also noticed that Nightfall would happen when the DOT would ping the mob. That is AWSOME. Nothing like sending in the VW tossing Curse of Agony then Corruption then Imolation..start with the wand and then getting a quick and nasty Shadowbolt because of Nightfall for 300points. While in Desolace had to decide which horse man faction to go with. For me it really was a toss up until I spoke to a Shadow Priest that I PuGed with and per her if you aligned with the one to the SW (can not remember whom it is Gsomething) you could get rep with Argent Dawn. So thats the way I went. Now have to do the quest that they give to get more rep with them and will see what happens. Okay...now I have to get back to work.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hybrid Priest

Just caught this over at another bloggers site and seeing that they are just starting I am going to add them. N00bs need to stick together.

2nd Post !

Woo...post number 2. Just a quick update on whats going on. Did not do much with my Warlock. Mailed a lockbox I got to my rogue and guess what...he did not have his lockpicking high enough to open it. Mailed it back to him. What I did do was run the Elite Ogres in the Highland with my BM hunter to get Silk and Mageweave cloth for the Warlocks Tailoring. Almost done with using silk with tailoring just need a few more points. Then Mageweave. Mostlikely going to go Shadowcloth with I get high enough. I plan on getting on after work and head to Desolace and run the northern part for a few levels then head south...may be fun.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

First post! I am creating this Blog so I can share my journey with my gnome warlock Malficent whom is on the Kargath server. As of now I have just dinged to level 33 and am currently on my way to Desoliace to run quest there. We will see what happenes. Also i would just like to say I am not a speller if I can think about it I will run spell check first but right now :P